Rent a bus with Østjydsk Turistbusser.

East Jutland tourist buses

East Jutland tourist buses.

We are really proud to have East Jutland tourist buses on our platform here at Busbooking. In fact, the bus company has been involved from the very first sod and the first time the platform first saw the light of day.

Ostjydsk tourist buses are known for their wide selection of buses and, not least, high quality, professionalism and punctuality. The many years of cooperation have already been successful, and we look forward to many more.

Family-owned business for more than 30 years

Østjydsk tourist buses have always marked the map around Denmark with their fine buses - but especially in Jutland the company got a good hold. This is due to a high quality, as well as their local location in East Jutland.

On Djursland in 1981, East Jutland tourist buses were founded, and the fleet was of a smaller size, as there were only 1-2 buses, which was also the size for many years to come.

In 1996, the company was acquired by Rewitz Busser, which was based in Egå, which is the northern part of Aarhus, and despite the acquisition, the customers were still of a smaller size, friends and acquaintances.

If we fast-forward to today, the company is still named Østjydsk turistbusser, but the location has again shifted slightly. The bus company is now establishing its roots in a suburb of Aarhus called Stautrup. The location is strategically close to the E45, which means that all the surrounding big cities in East Jutland are within a 30-minute drive.

The type of customer has also changed slightly, and it now includes everything from travel companies, large private companies, the public sector – and of course old friends.

If you are missing a bus in and around Aarhus, then rent a bus with driver here. If you prefer to drive with East Jutland Tourist Buses, you can use the calculators here on the page where you only see their buses.

A fleet of more than 25 buses

A fleet of more than 25 buses.

In its infancy, Ostjydsk tourist buses consisted of 1-2 buses, and did so for many years to come. Fast forward to today and things are a little different.

Ostjydsk tourist buses now have +25 buses of different types, which makes it possible for them to take virtually all types of travel. Regardless of whether it is small companies or large institutions and companies that must have moved many people.

Although the vehicle fleet has grown significantly, this does not mean that comfort has been compromised - no, quite the opposite. At Østjydsk tourist buses, comfort is a very central element, and as a customer you can always expect that it is a really nice bus with a lot of equipment and, not least, top-notch comfort.

In their fleet you can find

-Double deckers for 78-89 people

-Tourist buses for 49-54 people

-Minibuses for 14-19 people

- Lift buses for 16 people

-Small minibuses for 7-9 people

Their large fleet means that they can handle all types of travel, and this applies both in terms of passenger requirements, occasion and budget.

If you have traveled with us at, it is very likely that you have been on a trip with our good friends from Østjydsk turistbusser, who have really made their way into the bus industry.

Runs everything from university to small hen parties

Runs everything from university to small hen parties.

The size of the company has grown significantly, and the same applies to their type of customers. Based on their size, East Jutland tourist buses have been able to run a number of routes, including Flixbus, Kombardo, Rødbillet and Black ticket.

In addition, they announced in 2020 that they will be responsible for all driving at Aarhus University, which can only be done due to the size of their fleet.

But even though East Jutland tourist buses drive around many large public institutions and companies, they also run tours of a completely different size.

They have a good number of minibuses, which provide families, smaller schools, hen parties and the like. possibility to get around in a smaller bus which suits the budget and not least the number of people.

Ostjydsk turistbusser is, in short, a bus company for everyone, regardless of size and requirements for buses

Bæredygtig buskørsel, med lokale vognmænd.

  • Øget fokus på synliggørelse og eksponering af lokale busselskaber.
  • Brobygning mellem kunde og leverandør. Fuldstændig transparens i hele værdikæden.
  • Større indsigt i bæredygtige løsninger. Og reduktion af tomkørsel.

Frequently asked questions.

Ostjydsk tourist buses have a wide fleet of vehicles, and you can find almost exactly the bus that meets your needs, whether it is a mini, tourist or double-decker bus.

If you order through the platform, you can always choose where you want to be picked up by the bus.



Daniel Jensen
Daniel Jensen
Rikke Kjems
Rikke Kjems
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